Allergies are a recently growing health problem. Every fifth person in Germany suffers from hay fever. Allergies have a negative impact upon our quality of life and can lead to the development of chronical asthma bronchial. Our practice offers a thorough diagnosis of various allergies concerning the upper respiratory tract.
Prick Test
Rast Test
Nasal and conjugative provocation test
Moreover, we specialized on the diagnosis of food allergies and other various incapabilities like histamine, sulfite und ASS-Intolerance. We offer modern ways of allergy treatment such as the specific subcutaneous or sublingual immune therapy or the symptomatic therapy.
Usual Allergy Diagnosis
The standard allergy diagnoses will be applied to every patient who comes to us with nasal (Breathing problems, running nose, sneezing) or conjunctival (red eyes, itching, foreign body sensation) problems. Part of the standard test is a test of the skin (Prick Test), and a diagnosis of a blood sample. Firstly, the skin test is applied.
Skin Test – Prick Test
The Prick test is a standardized procedure used in order to show allergically instantaneous reactions. In order to achieve this surface incisions into the skin of your upper arm via a lancet are made. Through these incisions allergens are applied. After waiting for approximately 15 minutes the results can be derived from the reaction of the skin.
Please note that some medicine can lead to false results. Most notably hormone therapies and anti-histamines often change the result.
After a positive skin test and fitting clinical symptoms an indicative diagnosis is perfectly possible.
Blood Sample – Rast Test
This test is necessary if the skin test doesn’t show or if it, due to medicine, can’t be applied. Through the course of the Rast test a blood sample will be taken and then searched for specific anti-bodies of the E0 class. The anti-bodies are compared to known allergens like pollen or house dust mite. The test is then analyzed in the laboratory. The doctor later receives data with the allergens and a corresponding number from 1 to 4. Comparing this data with the history of the problems the doctor is able to make a diagnosis.
Provocation test:
The provocation test is the last possibility to prove an allergy of a patient. Especially, when previous tests have failed.
Nasal provocative test(NPT):
The nasal provocative test is a standardized instrument of diagnosis for allergic symptoms. Here patients are directly sprayed different test-allergens into the nasal mucous membrane. After few minutes waiting time, it can come to a running nose or a sneeze attack. This is regarded as a positive reaction. Simultaneously, the aerial flow of the nose is tested by the doctor via rhinomanometry.
Conjunctive Provocative Test (CPT)
The conjunctive provocation test is a new, standardized way of diagnosis used to objectively determine allergenic symptoms. Here, various allergens are given to the patient via eye drops directly into the conjunctival sac. In case of a positive reaction a reddening of the conjunctiva, a foreign body sensation, itching and almost always, tearing should be appearing.
As these tests can always be influenced by medicine it is necessary to take these with consideration of your doctor.